A Community of Love & Learning

Welcome to Opendoor Education! Our programs offer a place where love, faith, and knowledge come together to create an amazing community of learners. We believe in nurturing our students' hearts by surrounding them with a community of love and laughter.

We integrate Christ-centered faith into everything we do so our students' souls are filled with a sense of purpose and belonging, but that's not all. We also want our students to have sharp minds, so we challenge them with wisdom and intellect that will help them succeed in all areas of life.

And did we mention that we love to get creative? At Opendoor Education, we value artistic talents as much as academic and spiritual excellence. We celebrate our students' unique, God-given strengths and work to develop them in fun and exciting ways. Whether it's through music, theater, or visual arts, we're always finding new ways to help our students shine.





At Opendoor Preschool, we provide an engaged and inspired learning environment that encourages development and builds confidence. Our caring, experienced teachers focus on the needs of the child and provide developmentally-appropriate activities, but they also develop the whole child: physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. By embracing the whole family, we assure a child's success and enhance growth. We are passionate about unleashing the child’s full potential to lay the foundation for a future leader!


We operate based on a year-long, August to August schedule. Based on our curriculum and our desire for children to have continuity, your child will remain with the same group for the entire year even when their age increases. Your child will rise to the next age group each August.

All new enrollments are pulled from our current waiting list. If you would like to be contacted by a representative, please fill out the application form below.

  • $235/week

    6 weeks – 1 year old

    1 adult per 5 infants in a group size of 10 with 2 adults

    Our infant classroom is equipped with developmentally appropriate materials and environment to enable the children to learn and grow.

  • $215/week

    1 – 2 years old

    1 adult per 6 toddlers in a group size of 12 with 2 adults

    Our toddler rooms are designed to teach active learners at their own pace and engage their curious minds.

  • $215/week

    1 – 3 years old

    1 adult per 10 two-year-old children in a group size of 20 children with 2 adults

    Our 2-year-old classrooms allow your child to build a happier, healthier, more well-rounded foundation for the future.

  • $215/week

    3 – 4 years old

    1 adult per 15 three-year-old preschool-aged children in a group size of 23 with 2 adults

    Our 3-year-old classrooms are set up to satisfy inquisitive minds and teach them independence within healthy boundaries.

  • $215/week

    4 – 5 years old

    1 adult per 20 four-year-old preschool-aged children in a group size of 20 with 2 adults

    Our 4-year-old classrooms prepare children for kindergarten and beyond.


Elementary School

Kindergarten - 5th Grade

At Opendoor School, we believe that a child’s elementary years set the tone for a lifetime of learning and success. We cherish the opportunity to educate and inspire young learners and provide our K-5th grade students with a well-rounded, biblically based academic program. Diligently stewarding our resources, we employ highly qualified, passionate teachers and administrators who are life-long learners and will faithfully set a godly example as they build spiritual integrity, academic excellence, and a strong work ethic in our student body. Each student will leave Opendoor School instilled with academic and spiritual vitality and equipped to become local, national and global leaders, as they achieve their God-given potential and impact the world around them with the truth of Christ.


  • School Only: $600.00/month for 12 months. $720.00/month for 10 months = $7,200/year. Price includes curriculum. Lunch and snacks are not provided in this cost, and we can only facilitate bag lunches at this time. (See Optional Hot Lunch Fee)

    School + After School: $833.33/month for 12 months; $1000.00/month for 10 months = $10,000.00/year. Price includes curriculum. Lunch and snacks are not provided in this cost, and we can only facilitate bag lunches at this time. (See Optional Hot Lunch Fee.) This price includes our After School program that operates from 2:30pm—6:00pm everyday, early release days, and teacher workdays, but it does NOT include Opendoor Summer Camp.

  • Application Fee | $30 required at the time of application.

    Registration Fee | $50 required at time of enrollment for each student that enrolls in Opendoor Education.

    Hot Lunch Fee (Optional) | Opendoor School offers a weekly hot lunch on Monday-Fridays. The cost is $8.00 per meal. Meal choices are given at the beginning of the year. Parents will be drafted along with tuition according to their yearly sign up meal plan. If students choose to not participate in the hot lunch option, they must bring a bagged lunch.

    Tech Fee| $200 Annually

    Athletics Fee| $150 Per Sport and includes practice jersey, uniform (returned at end of season).


Middle School

6th-7th Grade

At Opendoor School, we believe that the middle school years are a pivotal time for students as they begin to explore their passions and develop important skills for success in high school and beyond. We are committed to providing our 6th-8th grade students with a rigorous, biblically based academic program that prepares them for the challenges of the future.

Our faculty is made up of highly qualified, passionate teachers and administrators who are dedicated to helping our students achieve their full potential. We prioritize careful stewardship of our resources to provide the best possible education for our students, and our staff members are all lifelong learners who serve as positive role models for our students.

At Opendoor School, we strive to instill in our students a strong work ethic, academic excellence, and spiritual integrity. We believe that these qualities are essential for success in all areas of life, and we work hard to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to become leaders in their communities, their country, and the world. By the time they graduate, our students are confident, capable, and ready to make a positive impact on the world while sharing the truth of Christ with those around them.


  • School Only: $600.00/month for 12 months. $720.00/month for 10 months = $7,200.00/year. Price includes curriculum. Lunch and snacks are not provided in this cost, and we can only facilitate bag lunches at this time. (See Optional Hot Lunch Fee)

    School + After School: $833.33/month for 12 months; $1000.00/month for 10 months = $10,000.00/year. Price includes curriculum. Lunch and snacks are not provided in this cost, and we can only facilitate bag lunches at this time. (See Optional Hot Lunch Fee.) This price includes our After School program that operates from 2:30pm—6:00pm everyday, early release days, and teacher workdays, but it does NOT include Opendoor Summer Camp.

  • Application Fee | $30 required at the time of application.

    Registration Fee | $50 required at time of enrollment for each student that enrolls in Opendoor Education.

    Hot Lunch Fee (Optional) | Opendoor School offers a weekly hot lunch on Monday-Fridays. The cost is $8.00 per meal. Meal choices are given at the beginning of the year. Parents will be drafted along with tuition according to their yearly sign up meal plan. If students choose to not participate in the hot lunch option, they must bring a bagged lunch.

    Tech Fee | $200 Annually

    Athletics Fee | $150 Per Sport and includes practice jersey, uniform (returned at end of season).


After School

Kindergarten - 7th Grade

Opendoor After School is a ministry opportunity designed to reach out to our community and purposefully invest in the next generation by providing a safe environment for students. We provide families with homework assistance, physical activity, and personal care, all with a faith-based emphasis.


We currently pick up from the following schools:

Parrot Academy
WH Robinson


Tuition is $115.00 per week or $35.00 per day (minimum of two (2) days/week) per student for After School (this rate is for regular school schedules). We offer tutoring and musical electives during the Fall and Spring semesters for an additional fee.